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Nova’s First Birthday

Nova’s First Birthday

With us all feeling poorly around the holidays, we had to put off throwing Nova a birthday party. Now that we are all on the rebound, we had a little costume party for her First.

Click on the pics for the BIG version.

Naturally, Daddy came as the Devil, the likeness being somewhat uncanny:


Mommy is a Gypsy Princess, Xak is Hero Guy, Sake is Rabid, and Nova is REPTAR!!


Nova got a horridly huge hunk of birthday confection….it’s tradition that your first real dose of refined sugar is on your first birthday…I know, Madness.

It would appear that some of us are a lot more interested in it than others of us…


At first, mild interest:


Then, growing fascination:

cake3 cake4 cake5 cake6

and, for those of you who remember Jim Stafford, this happens:


fortunately, my clean up crew is anxiously waiting in the wings:


Happy Belated Birthday to NOVA!

Christmas Overload 2012

Christmas Overload 2012

You’d think there was a family of 12 – like the Waltons or something – waiting for this bounty….
